General Guidelines and Standards

Living and/or working in the Delta means living and working within the guidelines established for the protection of the levee system. Owners of properties that have channels or ditches that carry drainage are responsible to keep them cleared to allow the free flow of run-off. Any person may clean debris, clear brush or weeds, or perform other general maintenance so long as that activity does not change the shape, volume or flow capacity of the channel, or disturb the bottom or sides of the channel.


  • Keep levee slopes clear of obstructions, including vegetation and structures so  inspection and monitoring can take place.
  • Refrain from planting any fruit or nut trees on or near levees, which attracts burrowing rodents to the levees.
  • Comply with the Central Valley Flood Control Board Title 23 Regulations.
  • Report suspected levee problems (i.e. sloughs, boils, etc) to your local levee maintenance district (BALMD).
  • Report dumping or burning on a levee, easement, or right-of-way.
  • Report clogs or anyone filling a channel, ditch or culvert that carries drainage on private property.


  • Dump any kind of debris on any levee, drainage easement or right-of-way. Dumping impedes the maintenance of the facilities, costs tax dollars to clean up, and is illegal.
  • Build fences or walls running parallel to the levee closer than 15 feet from the landside levee toe.
  • Build steps, retaining walls or any other structure into a levee face.
  • Allow culverts or channels on your property to become obstructed.
  • Fill any creek, channel, conduit, ditch or culvert that carries drainage.
  • Burn debris on levees, embankments, or channels. The soil bakes, degrading its structural integrity, causing the soil to crumble and be easily washed away.